Ruoxuan Xiong
Ruoxuan Xiong photo 

Assistant Professor
Department of Quantitative Theory & Methods
Goizueta Business School (by courtesy)
Department of Economics (by courtesy)
Emory University

Address: 581 PAIS Building, 36 Eagle Row, Atlanta, 30322

[Google Scholar] [CV]

I am an assistant professor at Emory University since Fall 2021. My research lies at the intersection of causal inference, machine learning, experimental design, and statistical inference. My work is driven by emerging problems and challenges in digital platforms, finance, and healthcare. My two main research directions are:

I received my Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford and my B.S. from Peking University. I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. More information can be found in my CV.


Working Papers

Journal Publications

Conference Publications

Idle Manuscripts


Here are the courses I have been teaching:
